A Worldly View of Weird Ice Cream Flavors

April 30, 2015

haggis ice cream

Is there anything as American as ice cream? Apple pie? Sure, we’ll give you apple pie.

The point is, ice cream is a big part of American culture. Yet, the appreciation of ice cream stretches far beyond the borders of America.

However, some of the flavors found around the globe are a bit more “flavorful” than the flavors found here in the U.S.

Put it this way: There are some funky ice cream flavors out there. In fact, if aliens landed on our planet and tried out some of the flavors listed below as their first ice cream experience, they might wonder what all the fuss is about. Silly humans.
alien ice cream

Anywhere, some of these are definitely acquired tastes:

• Haggis ice cream. For those of you who don’t know, haggis is made up of sheep innards and is served sausage-style. Does this sound like a good idea for an ice cream flavor? Harrold’s department store in London thinks so.
• Spaghetti and cheese ice cream. Lots of folks love ice cream as dessert after a big pasta dinner. Why not just have the spaghetti ice cream? This is a flavor offered at one shop in Venezuela.
• Jellyfish ice cream. Sure, ok. Give it a try. You can find this unique flavor in the U.K.
• Creamed cod ice cream. Speaking of fish, this fishy dessert can be found at a bar in London.

If you are into great ice cream and what to try new flavors without leaving Connecticut, find your way to your nearest Praline’s shop. You won’t even need a passport.

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